Face Masks

All kits have been taken. Thank you!

Have a sewing machine and know how to use it? Sweet, let's help get Central Oregon Pediatrics Association all the face masks they need. These will go to kids in need in Central Oregon and will be donated to COPA at no cost! Here's what you need to know.

  1. Each kit comes with instructions and has all the supplies needed for 50 masks except for thread. They are pretty quick to sew, probably 3 to 6 minutes each once you've done a couple. Please only take a kit if you're committed to finishing the whole thing in a few days. 
  2. While they are quite simple, this is probably not the time to learn how to sew. Semi-experienced seamsters and seamstresses only please!
  3. You'll need to commit to washing your hands like really, really well and disinfecting your machine, and the area around your machine, every time you sit down to sew. Oh and please just say no if there's any sickness in the household!
  4. Mask kits are located 1474 NW Cumberland and are available for pick up on the porch. Please only come between 8 am and 9 pm for our own sanity. There are a couple honey bee hives in the front yard - they are generally quite nice but if it makes you nervous, walk towards the porch from the side of the house off of 15th st.
  5. You'll also find an instructional video below if you need additional help.